By Stylicious Living

Tips for you & your home including tips on decor, gardening, healthy recipes, eco-friendly trends, and much more!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sowing Seeds Indoors

Sowing seeds is a gratifying way to be more eco-conscience. With the new 100 mile diet trend encouraging us to eat locally grown, it’s a perfect way to have homegrown herbs and veggies at your finger tips. Follow these stylicious tips on how to sow seeds indoors and you will be well on your way to your own veggie garden:

1) Visit your local gardening centre – There are a wide variety of seeds out there so be creative and select some different/new varieties. Try to select seeds that are staples in your family’s diet. As well, select some herb varieties that will allow you to spice up cooking and BBQ’s this summer. Plant herbs in a beautiful pot near your BBQ for easy access while cooking and to give your patio a splash of colour and scent. If you are in a small space or condo, grow herbs/veggies on a south facing window sill or balcony.
2) Check the back of the seed package for each variety’s specific directions. Some require longer growth time before transplanting outdoors. Depth and spacing can also vary.
3) You will need a tray for the peat pods or seed starting kits to be placed on. If you don’t have a seed starting kit, you can simply use egg cartons. Be sure to punch a couple holes in each to allow water to drain.
4) Plant the seeds in a seed starting potting mix. The are many varieties available. We recommend Miracle Grow Seed Starting Potting Mix.
5) Label each pod with the chosen seed variety.
6) Water gently with cool to luke-warm water.
7) Slip container (pods) into plastic bag to conserve the moisture. If it’s too large to put into a plastic bag, you can cover with plastic wrap. Be sure to tent to allow for ventilation.
8) Store at the recommended temperature. (Refer to back of package)
9) Keep in a room with ample sunlight but keep out of direct sunlight. South or west facing rooms will work best.
10) Check seeds daily.
11) Once seeds germinate, remove plastic and expose seedlings to as much sunlight as possible.
12) Check the soil daily to see if watering is required. If the soil is dry, it is time to water. If it’s moist, don’t water the seedlings. Seedlings are delicate, so be careful when watering.
13) After a couple weeks, pull out any small seedlings to allow room for the largest and healthiest seedling in each pod.
14) After 6-12 weeks (refer to pack of package), the seedlings are ready to transplant outdoors.

Now you are well on your way to eating healthy, organic, home-grown vegetables. 

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